Tuesday 5 January 2010

The Filming Process; Completed

We can successfully state that the filming process of our production is now finished. After a number of dates filming over a period of a few weeks we have been able to wrap up all of our filming. Although we will need to upload the footage onto the computer and see if any shots need to be re-filmed.

Today we finished the last few shots, these included the thirty second sneak peek of couple Maria and Dervish and the last shot of Joanna and Shiffa which is to be contained in our trailer. Originally the sneak peek of Maria and Dervish we planned to follow our draft script although after a discussion within the group we decided to change it and improve it. Overall we felt that the improved script worked well, developed an understanding and potential continuity flow for any future episodes.
Next we aim to begin our editing within the next forthcoming weeks and have it completed by the beginning of February. Our following steps include researching and looking for trailer music before we begin the editing process.

Sunday 3 January 2010

The Filming Process: Day 2 Photos

Here are a variety of photographs from todays filming process showing the group working hard in action;

This photograph shows me filming a close-up of Shiffa coming into the living room where her potential husband awaits her. I used part of the tripod though the shots came out fairly shacky.

This is Moji and his on-screen mother in action rehaearsing the lines just before shoting the scene.

Shadei (Shiffa) practising her lines before the filming begins ensuring she knows them off by heart.

Characters Shiffa and mother during the prayer scene. We layed out blanket to represent a prayer mat therefore creating realism.

Me and Anna Philona preparing and setting the scene, ensuring lbright lighting from outside doesnt ruin our shots.

Me filming one of the scenes on Shiffa, using the tripod had a major impact on the outcome of the shots.

Shadei and her on-set mother going through their lines before the real thing.

The Filming Process: Day 2

Having rescheduled a number of dates we were finally able to arrange a time and date where all the cast needed for the second storyline were available to be present.
Moji; Acting as Shiffa's potential husband
Shadei; the character of Shiffa, (the rebellious teen)
Extra 1; Acting as the role of Shiffas mother
Anna Philona and Elena Antoniades; Directing and filming

Storyline 2; Cultural Clash
We structured the filming out the same way as we had written the script, making sure not to miss out any crucial continuous moments. We began by filming the scene where Shiffa is positioned in front of the mirror and is attempting to put her headscarf on correctly. We shot this scene using two specific angles as when the editing process begins it will give us a wider amount of footage to work with. The first shot we used was from Shiffa's point of view looking through the mirror, here we had to make sure that the camera was positioned correctly in order to avoid getting it in the shot which at first seemed a little tricky. We also used a shot from a different angle to see which worked best.

During the prayer scene we had a few problems with the space in which we were working with and the light from the sun ruining the shot. Although in the end we were able to find a suitable effective position where the characters could be seen clearly and the sunlight was blocked out using the props of sheets.
Our last scene that we shot was additional footage sneak peek which will be uploaded onto our soap website. It will only last around thirty seconds showing what the next episode of LIBERTY will contain. Today we managed to film our first part of this sequel, of Shiffa and Moji.

Mise-en-scene was important in all of these scenes that we filmed today as we needed to create a sense of realism. We used many props to our advantage emphasizing this strict religious family. We made sure the characters looked the part using their clothes to portray their characters e.g. dark coloured clothes not showing any flesh as well as not showing any hair (using a headscarf).
The filming process is nearly coming to an end, though all that is too be done next is the final scene between the lesbian couple Shiffa and Joanna. Also we will need to film our last 30seconds sneak peek of Maria and Dervish. These scenes should be done within the next two weeks.