Sunday 3 January 2010

The Filming Process: Day 2 Photos

Here are a variety of photographs from todays filming process showing the group working hard in action;

This photograph shows me filming a close-up of Shiffa coming into the living room where her potential husband awaits her. I used part of the tripod though the shots came out fairly shacky.

This is Moji and his on-screen mother in action rehaearsing the lines just before shoting the scene.

Shadei (Shiffa) practising her lines before the filming begins ensuring she knows them off by heart.

Characters Shiffa and mother during the prayer scene. We layed out blanket to represent a prayer mat therefore creating realism.

Me and Anna Philona preparing and setting the scene, ensuring lbright lighting from outside doesnt ruin our shots.

Me filming one of the scenes on Shiffa, using the tripod had a major impact on the outcome of the shots.

Shadei and her on-set mother going through their lines before the real thing.

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