Monday 13 July 2009

Starting the Coursework Pre - Production

We have now began our A2 Coursework which involves creating a new unique TV Soap trailer. During lessons we have began our pre-production tasks in order to get the ball rolling immediately. Our group consists of the following people:
Elena Antoniades (me)
Anna Philona
Anna Constantino
Shadei Rabbeie

All of us will work together as a group to achieve the best outcome, although each individual is assigned to specific roles. After each tasks is done the group will meet together and confer the outcomes, if we feel the need for improvement this action will be taken. We first began by discussing different storylines and all agreed that it would be wise to first take part in primary research before undergoing any tasks, this way we would be directly targeting our target audience.
Primary research
Questionnaires - we designed questionnaires with eight different questions, ranging from Our target age group to selecting what is your favourite theme in a soap. The answers from these will help us to find out what elements will be needed for be our new TV soap at and also what type.
Our results show -
Most watched soaps: Eastenders & Hollyoaks
favourite type of soap: Traditional Community based
favourtie themes in soaps: Drama
Expectations from soaps: Realistic characters, exciting storylines, psychopaths
These results show that the two most commonly watched tv soaps by our target audience 16-25 years olds are Eastenders and Hollyoaks, these appeal most to them. They both contain the community based setting and enough modern influences to appeal to our target audience of late teenagers to young adults. These results and responses will be taken into account whilst properly constructing our storylines and filming our soap trailer in order to appeal to our young adult target audeince as much as possible. As well as taking part in questionnaires I and Shadei also watched a range of TV soaps and dramas. We analysed these in terms of genre, representation, narrative, audience and media language. We researched into Tv trailers too, finding out how these are represented towrads the target audeince and used to draw them in.
The Pitch. Before any of the production begins we will need to have storyline ideas therefore as a group each individual has come up with one pitch idea each:
- Love triangle, two boys one girl.
- Cheating affrair
- Suicidal victim
- Drug addict goes to far
After discussing all our pitch ideas our group came to two decisions which will feel will be most attracting to our new target audience.
Final pitch ideas
- Cultural clash in small town
- Celibate girl gets pregnant

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