Monday 13 July 2009

Minutes of Group Meeting

15th September 2009

All present: AP, EA, SR, AC
Of today's group meeting we shall be particularly be discussing the three highlighted topics.

1. Assigning tasks and roles to each individual group member
As previously discussed it has been confirmed that both Anna Philona and Elena Antoniades will be taking the joint role of group leaders. Although choices will be made as whole group decisions there will need to be dominant group leaders who will both at times take charge as well as strongly contributing to the groups work. Furthermore this week we have assigned tasks to one another to be fulfilled in the duration of one week, this way it can be guaranteed that the group work is done and that we are on our way forward to achieving to our highest potential. Therefore for this week Anna Philona and Elena Antoniades have been assigned to fulfil the task of researching soap trailers. this will help us with ideas for our own soap trailer and will be added onto this group blog as primary research. The following members Anna Constantinou and Shadei Rabeie will be researching soap posters/magazines being advertised, helping the group to find out how current soaps attract their audiences. These tasks will be expected to be completed within a period of one week in order for the group to be able to move on to following out more important tasks that lay ahead.

2. Current Storylines
Although we have already discussed and planned our pitches it was felt that these needed to be reviewed and verified for our overall final two decisions. We have concluded that our previous two main storylines will remain the same. Our first one being - a young celibate teen falls pregnant although not in a way that is her own choice. The teen attends a party but to her horror her drink is spiked. The night ends in a total blur. These scenes we will be using claustrophobic shots. the morning after and pieces of the puzzle begin to connect, not only does she find out she has broken her celibacy there is also another hidden secret soon to be found out.
For our second storyline we wanted something a little more different though still just as dramatic. "Cultural clash" - this story is based around the life of a young adult and his/her (the gender still undecided) strict religious family. The family are persistent to find their child a wife/husband encouraging them that arranged marriage is the respected method, yet little to their knowledge do they know that their "baby" is actually a homosexual.

3. Finding locations
This was discussed briefly. After having discussed our storylines it is now easier to come up with and for the next step to be take into where we will be filming these scenes. With our first storyline, involved will be a party scene. We will need to create this by using props, lighting and confined space. the room will need to be big enough to hold around 4 people to produce the atmosphere there is at parties. therefore possibility will be filmed at one of the group members house. We are planning to film claustrophobic shots of the teen being led up a spiral staircase, fortunately one of the group members have this at their home so be will be shooting this at Elena's house.
Our second storyline "cultural clash" we aspire an olden traditional house using props such as icons to make it appear that a religious family lives here. Preferably a living room will work best for this scene where they could be praying. We will also need a kitchen or dining area to use on the emphasis of the arranged marriage scene. We have discussed our scene ideas and have concluded the above locations that will be needed. However we will be holding another meeting beforehand to finalize these locations.

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