Saturday 19 December 2009

Trailer Soundtrack research

Today as group leaders myself and Anna Philona researched music that we could use for our trailer. We visited a number of websites that offered free music, particularly researching music under the genre of; action and drama.
The music that we will use will have an important role to play as it will reflect how our soap is portrayed. We want the trailer to have a real impact on the viewers attracting them to want to watch our soap. As well as taking into account the nature of our target audience.
We viewed a number of websites in order to have the option of many tracks to be able to choose from. The websites are written below as well as the name of the tracks and our opinions on them.
'innovation' we specifically liked this track as although it begins calm it sets a comfortable atmosphere for the audience drawing them in as they await for the climax. It could work well in reflecting the calmer scenes where the story is being established, though as the suspense of the storylines build up so does the music. The sound of the music will help to set the mood, if it does not fit in with the type of storyline we are portraying the wrong message will be passed onto the viewers. Although the track does work well during these calmer scenes it may not be suitable once the action begins.

'hi robot' this track was a little to over dramatised for us and wouldn't really work that well for our piece. Though the sense of the fast build up pace was effective in building up tension which we need to try and do. Almost automatically so soon as the track begins there are heavy drum sounds portraying something bad is about to come. An option could be that we could cut parts of some tracks and mix and match. Though this may be a little complicated and could withdraw the flow we need.

We then choose to view a different website:
'Action Core' this was one of our favourites. The beginning immediately introduces a sense of action, just listening to the track makes you question what is going to happen next. It is almost like a clock, the beat is patterned building up the suspense. This would definitely grasp the audiences attention.
'Pop electro house' this reminded us of the type of music Hollyoaks uses at the start of their soap, which are the kind of audiences we aim to attract. It is a combination of pop and electro, appealing to the modern generation. It would definitely work well in the party scenes of our trailer though I find it difficult to imagine it fitting well with the calmer scenes just before we need the suspense to build in. It is a sort of dance track which then towards the middle changes climax.
'brad sucks- dropping out of school' this was another of our favourites. It is a combination of indie and rock - appealing to our direct target audience. The beat it is exciting yet still includes the right sense of mood. The start is a fast yet calm beat which could show the storylines being established then as the drama begins the track becomes more exciting reflecting back on these characters lives and what is happening to them. The beat begins faster, singing begins which we werent too keen on though it still works well. Imagining the shots that we have currently filmed I can easily picture them working well although we first need to edit the shots then choose which track will work well.

These tracks are just some of many, thousands to choose from. There is not yet one specific trakc to have really stood out for us therefore we will be carrying on and furthering our soundtrack music trailer research to find the right track for our trailer.

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