Thursday 10 December 2009

Soap Website Production

Today we re-visited the Clc, as earlier this week as we attempted to access our site and edit it we faced a few troubles concerning the software of "iweb"and were unable to carry on our work. Therefore we arranged another session at the Clc where we were offered additional help to solve these problems.
In the visit we were able to get the software problems sorted and the majority of our website constructed and almost finished. As group leaders myself and Anna Philona, we assembled and updated the current pages. We were constantly flicking back and fourth from our own website to the websites of well known soaps. This gave us ideas of extra elements we could add and how they layed out their features.
Consequently this trip was highly beneficial as we have nearly completed the whole website, our next steps include changing a few fonts and the layout as well as adding more images, our trailer clip and the "Sneak Peek" video clip (showing a short 30secs-1min clip of next weeks episode). Also the remaining group members: Shadei and Anna Constantinou will be researching different soundtracks to find one that will suit the theme of our soap, this will be added onto our website.

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