Thursday 17 December 2009

TV Magazine / Posters created

As well as our trailer and website I have also made a TV magazine front cover and two posters. These products were created in order to advertise and MARKET our soap. Having researched into former TV magazines I have chosen to make mine similar to those of "Whats on" and "TV mag". These are very commercialized though they do the job of advertising the most current storylines on today's soaps.
In order to create these I used photoshop processed on a Mac computer. At first I found it tricky to use as the software was very detailed.

Firstly I produced a logo which would be symbolic to the viewers as when seen, this can be related back to the soap. This logo could also possibly be used in one of my posters or for other future purposes. I created the logo by using a template of all the famous London attractions to enhance the city lifestyle of the characters, also keeping the logo modern looking. I decided to keep the colours simple as black and white work well together and I didn't want to attract the wrong type of audience. Our target viewers aim to be young adults though the soap aspires to be of sophistication too. The font is kept in house style which will be recognisable throughout all the products produced. Overall I think the logo positively represents the soap in a modern way.

Above is the TV magazine front cover I created. I decided to use bright contrasting colours similar to those of other television guides as these tend to grab the attention of walkers-by. The photograph includes all cast members as the soap is new therefore all the characters should be introduced to the viewers. In the top right hand corner "exclusive" shows pictures of behind the scenes of the soap attempting to appeal to the viewers. The font name of the soap LIBERTY again is in bold white house style in order to be noticeable. Slightly below this in smaller text written is "new soap to hit the screen" communicating with the audience telling them what is going on. I have also included a bar code and a small picture of characters from another soap in order to enhance the realism though the main attraction here are the new characters of this new soap. I am pleased with the outcome of this, although the colours are somewhat too bright I think they work well to stand out. The front cover includes all that the viewers need to know; there is a new soap, these are the characters and this is what it is going to be about. Therefore working to attract them.

This is the first poster I produced. I wasn't very pleased with the outcome as I think that it looks quite animated which isn't the message I aim to communicate to the viewers. I have used the logo in the background to symbolise the soaps trade mark though changed the colours to blue and white. Again quite plain. I cut a previous photograph of the cast (also used above in the TV magazine) and placed it here adding shadows and enhancements. The photograph represents the characters and who they are. The couple Maria and Dervish are sat very close together, with Maria's hand placed on his knee showing their affection for one another. Likewise this can be seen between Moji and Shiffa however Shiffa is almost pulling away representing she feels uncomfortable. The odd character out of place is Joanna this signifies her outside life to the others and how she longs to be apart of it. I placed the soap name on the left hand corner where it will be easy to view in house style font in a bold blue colour to match the theme of the poster.

This is my favourite poster compared to the above. I think that it represents our soap clearer as to what it is about. I have used a floral modern design in order to attract teenagers and used just two main colours. The photograph again represents who the characters are and their own individual roles. The couple Maria and Dervish are sat very close together showing their devotion. As Moji is sat quite awkwardly beside Shiffa representing her hidden feelings for her secret lover Joanna who is sat away and beneath the group. LIBERTY is centered to the right of the page matching the theme and floral design as the y drapes down. Underneath is written "Coming soon..." informing the viewers to be prepared. I think the design works well to attract our specific target audience.

The outcome wasn't really how I imagined the designs to be like. However I am still very pleased with the results.

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