Sunday 25 October 2009

Group Cast Production Photo Day

Today we arranged to meet at my house were we took a number of different shots of our cast production team. These pictures will be used for our individual TV magazine front covers as well as for our group website. All the members involved are of who will be acting however we chose to only include the younger actors/actresses as we want our soap to appeal to the modern generation rather like a picture from Eastenders cast crew we based ours similar to Hollyoaks. We chose to take the pictures in my bedroom basing them being shot on one particular decorated wall. This wall theme emphasises the modern audience we aim to appeal to.

The foundation of our shots were taken from ideas of current British and American soaps/TV dramas such as Hollyoaks, Gossip Girl and One tree Hill. We done our best to model similar shots like these. In order to achieve a number of photos that would be able to be used in the end we took roughly two or more shots of the modelled eight photos we had analysed. The photos included Anna Philona, Anna C, Shadei and our two male extras. I, myself took the role of photographer. All of the cast were dressed in smart formal clothing although with hints of their characters roles, for example Anna C will be playing the role of a teen homosexual therefore her outfit had more colour involved then the others. When taking the shots I tried to positioned the characters more or less next to others which will be included in their storylines. Although in some of the shots this was not the case it wasn't a big issue.

Overall we were pretty pleased with the end results of our photos and we plan to edit them slightly on photoshop during the next following week where everyone will be able to choose which photo will be most suitable for their individual TV magazine front cover. Below are a few of the most success photos.

Tuesday 20 October 2009

Group Production Schedule

The time for filming is heading closer therefore the last tweeks and adjustements are being made.
We have constructed both the shooting schedule written by Anna Philona and the group production schedule by myself. These are needed before we begin filming to make sure everything goes to plan and we know exactly what needs to be done. Orginally these files were processed on word documents in tables, however due to a few technological problems these are unable to be uploaded on the blog therefore instead we have typed them out. Although the factors are less clearly defined it has been the only way to put them on this.

The Group Production Schedule:
NAME: Elena and Shadei
1. First shots of celibate young couple.

2. Shots of their faces showing expressions.

3. Cutting to party scene of celibate teen in bedroom.

4. Close ups of objects that are of relevance.

LOCATION: House num. 1

Anna P – acting as celibate girl

Elena – Director

Shadei - Filming

Anna. C – Assistant Director

- Camera

- Tripod

NAME: Whole group


Check that the shots are good enough to use and make sure there are not any errors in these scene shots.


• Editing equipment in software form.
• Computers

NAME: Anna. P and Elena


1. Starting shots of second storyline – cultural clash in front room and kitchen.

LOCATION: House num. 2


Anna. P – Director

Elena – Filming

Shadei – Actress

Anna. C - Actress


NAME: Anna. P and Elena


1. Carrying on with the shots of the front room and kitchen.
2. Finishing all the shots off from this scene. Anna. P – Filming

Elena – Director

Shadei – Actress

Anna. C – Assistant Director and actress


• Camera
• Tripod

NAME: Whole group


Editing :
Putting together and edit final last pieces. Also checking for any errors that can be changed or re-done.


• Editing equipment in software form.
• Computers

NAME: Whole Group


If have picked up any errors of shots that need to be done today being the last day for them to be done and finalized.

Last check that everything is perfect.


• Camera
• Tripod
• Editing equipment in software form
• Computer.

Monday 19 October 2009

Pilot Focus group research

Although our production team have already analysed and finalized research we have decided to take part in one more extra element of research - this being a focus group.
This involves a small group of our target audience with the aim to produce cooperative data on the specific topic of our new TV soap being discussed. They will be asked to express their opinions of elements of the soap which could affect them in some way. It allows the viewers to express what they feel needs to be improved and is a way for our group to decide whether these judgements are strong enough to be changed.

Therefore we will be asking around 5-8 people aged 16-25 years of age to be part of the focus group and we will provide them with an outline of our pitch and treatment. As well as asking them the below questions:
- Looking at our two main storylines (Cultural clash and Celibate teen) our aim is to represent realism. Do you feel that these are types that are appealing and could be reflected back to your own life?

- On any element if any, what improvements do you feel our plans need in order to attract you?

- In terms of TV scheduling, do you think that these times are suitable for a modern yet traditional soap like ours?

- State both factors, negative and positive of what you think will make our new TV soap appealing or not so appealing?

Before putting forward our questions to the public, in lesson we took part in a pilot focus group - which meant we asked students from our own class the questions which we will be asking to our actual focus group. This was done in order for us receive feedback, to be ready for the real thing and whether we should change any of the questions. Although taking into consideration that the publics answers will not be as of much technical knowledge as our pilot focus peers, the questions are quite broad.
We asked five students asked 17 to 18 years of age the following above questions. Overall we received mostly positive feedback from our peers. They felt optimistic about our target audience being aged 16-25yrs old as we are mixing the two elements of traditional and more modern soap conventions. Though they supposed we need not forget about our secondary audiences who we would also want to be attracting. Bearing this in mind we may need to extend our focus group to asking people outside of the 16-25 age band to achieve more opinions and responses.
Another important element was brought up focusing on the TV scheduling times. Originally our production group had agreed that if aired we were going to be competing against well known popular soap operas such as Eastenders and Coronation Street therefore we wanted our soap to be on at a later time of 9pm therefore we would not be intertwining and overlapping onto these programmes hoping the audience will choose our soap. Though our pilot focus group felt that this time was too late and my not attract high numbers of viewers. They suggested that to repair this risk it may be more wise to change our original TV schedule times. Therefore we have now chosen that our new soap will be aired only three times a week including: Tuesday, Wednesdays and Thursdays at a more reasonable time of 8pm.
This pilot focus group included only the students from our class therefore we will soon be taking part in a real focus group where we will be asking members of the public.

Wednesday 14 October 2009

Soap Name ideas

In todays session our group discussed potential soap name ideas. We all came up with two individual ideas each resulting in a number of different ideas which we have combined together and of which all have meaning to our new TV soap.
Black Pearl: This is one of our strongest name ideas. As a white pearl represents and is associated with innocence using the name "Black Pearl" will imply the contraction between the two symbolising the opposite of this meaning. The name emphasises what our soap will entitle within the storylines.

Orange: Although this may seem an odd name at first glance it does have a meaning behind it. An orange has different segments just the way our soap will include different pieces which in the end all fit together. The way that an orange is peeled in an unraveling method symbolises the unraveled intertwined storylines.

Leopard : Signifying the changing of spots - and the link between the changing of characters. As well as a leopard typically being associated with fast moving reflecting our soap to be action packed.

Laburnum Grove: This would mean our soap would be based in a specific area - a grove. The grove meaning a road that ends- one way. Similar to traditional soaps, the sense of community on this road. All the characters will live here and all be intertwined within each others lives in some way or another.

Liberty: I thought of this idea as I felt that one worded titles work well and are very effective. Liberty is a strong word that would emphases the freedom of our teenage characters.

Kohl: This a brand of cosmetics - specifically black eyeliner. It signifies "darkness" and hidden secrets. Cosmetices are used as a cover up, to enhance their appearance reflecting our characters identity

Monday 5 October 2009

Research Evaluation

The research development in our pre-production process is now finished. It was essential that we took part in this as the results have been vital in the preparation of our new TV soap opera. The results have allowed us to learn, change and develop our own ideas - helping us to achieve to our highest potential.
Listed below are all the types of research we took part in and the outcomes we found out:
- QUESTIONNAIRES: we distributed questionnaires to our target audience in order to find out what they preferred in the daily soaps they view.
- Looking into TV SCHEDULING: to ensure we target the correct audience we wish to.
- TV GUIDE ARTICLES/MAGAZINES: we looked at many different formatted TV guide magazines which included current soap storylines.
- OPENING TITLE SEQUENCE ANALYSIS: we observed the opening of two title sequences.
- VIEWINGS OF TV SOAP OPERAS: we watched a mixture of traditional/modern soap operas to compare and construct finding out what worked well and how this could be used in our own.
- TV SOAP OPERA TRAILERS: This I would say was the most difficult. it was hard to find a genuine TV soap trailer, many where just short clips of storylines that were due to happen soon. Although we did manage to find some of the old trailers of Hollyoaks and Eastenders just before the soap actually appeared on TV.

Risk Assesment Forms

LOCATION: House 1 – Living Room/Staircase/Bedroom

- Props may cause hazards

- People falling down

- Props may cause hazard

- Cases such as people falling over, hands caught in doors etc will be taken to notice and again people will be warned to be careful and informed that care is needed whilst filming.
- When filming on the staircase both actors/directors/assistants will need to be aware of the risk of tripping and falling down the stairs.
- As we will be using liquids for our party scene in a small confined space with a number of actors in the same room there is the risk that these could be spilt and someone could slip and injury themselves as well as the number of people in one room. We will have to inform people of this to avoid any injuries. If any injuries are to occur First Aid kits will be at hand.

LOCATION: House 2 – Living room/Dining room/ Garden
- Props may cause hazard

- Bad weather

- People passing by whilst filming

- Other hazards

- Heavy props will be used therefore if any fall this could cause a minor injury as a result people will need to be informed of this beforehand. As well as the risk of any liquids or foods being spilt. Again on the day if any of these injuries were to occur First Aid kits will be at hand.

- In case of bad weather occurring our group may have to cease filming as a clear day/evening is needed to film this scene, also filming may be stopped to protect the equipment from damage and keep the costumes up to standard, so filming may have to be rescheduled for another time.

- Passers-by could by accident break something or get in the way during a scene. If this occurs we will have to re shoot this scene.

- Other hazards include people falling over; slipping these will have to be considered. People will be warned to be careful and informed that care is needed whilst filming.

Other pre-production forms such as the Recce forms by Anna Philona, can be viewed via our group blog.

Storyboard draft & Locations

After our research and many discussions we have finalised our storylines and produced a storyboard. We have started by looking at the two storylines separately and later on we will intertwined them into our final product which will be the trailer.

The first storyline - Celibate girl at a party gets raped and becomes pregnant. We have chosen to use my house for this storyline. For the party scene my room will be used as this location has suitable sustainable lighting. The area is also of good space for enough room for people to fit in. We have discussed mise-en-scene elements such as props and costumes.
- The scene will begin with the girl having a conversation with her boyfriend about her promise to stay celibate. These scenes will include many close up and behind the shoulder shots.
- The scene will then be cut into the party scene. the audiences will see people dancing/ drinking. - Shot of a mystery hand throwing a pill into a glass. Close-ups will be shown of this.
- Then shots of the girl being led up the stairs into a bedroom. These will be of blurred vision. The rapist will be anonymous and shots from behind will only be shown.
- Both the girl and the boy are on the bed. It is made clear of what is happening.
- It is now the morning after the girl wakes up alone and confused.
- A duration of time passes, shots of the girl taking a pregnancy test that is shown to be positive.

The Second storyline - Cultural Clash teen from religious family begins a same sex relationship. We have chosen to shoot this at one of my family members house where real life props can easily be used.
- The establishing shot will be of the teen praying with the family emphasizing her religious background.
- The next scene will be at a dinner table where the mother of the girl is trying to arrange a potential new husband for her daughter. Many closes-ups shots will be used here to show the tense expressions of the teen.
- Then it will cut to a shot of the girl about to kiss another girl.

All these shots are just rough drafts - these may be altered. The final clear typed up storyboard can be viewed via the group blog (

Below shows our rough sketch of how we would like the shots to look (drawn by Anna Constantinou)

Storyline one - Celibate teen

Storyline two - Cultural clash

Soap Analysis

Following the many episodes/trailers/title sequences of soaps (Hollyoaks, Coronation Street and Eastenders) our group has watched it is now easy to see that many of these soap operas contain similar form and conventions. The most obvious elements that we noticed were: Community based, cliffhangers, gossip, realism of characters both young and old, narrative enigmas, concurrent storylines, shown at peak times, TV scheduling and shown several times a week. All of these forms and conventions help to attract the audiences therefore producing a successful soap opera that is watched by many.

As we noticed all these aspects it made us go back and reflect on the production of our own new TV soap. Our two storylines that will feature in the trailer are:
Celibate girl - at party gets raped and pregnant
Cultural clash - religious teen in same sex relationship
Just by looking and reading these it may seem that we are over - dramatising our storylines however all soaps do this. They all aim to achieve and represent realism in their episodes, at times you feel that some of these storylines wouldn't happen to you at all the same time although this is what draws in the viewers. The soap operas role are to entertain. Yet only are they successful when the use of realistic storylines and entertaining are combined in the correct balance, otherwise it will no longer seem appealing and viewings will drop drastically. We feel that our two storylines portray the right balance. They are realistic storylines which could happen to anyone. This is important as it will represent a sense of realism to our audiences making it easy for them to relate themselves into these situations.

The soaps continuously use concurrent storylines. The episodes need to make sense to the viewers - what happens one day cannot just be forgotten the next. The storylines need to be flowing from one episode to another. As well as the many cliffhangers that are used. Huge storylines mainly occur at national holidays - most frequently at Christmas where it is guaranteed everyone will not miss out due to work. It is a time where all the family are together and gather to watch the ultimate episode "is he going to die?". This really emphasizes what the soap is about. Family life.
Our new TV soap trailer will aim to be dramatic, action packed and appealing. With the current storylines we have I feel that this can be achieved. Although our soap opera intends to be a mixture of both worlds containing the elements of a traditonal soap also including a modern twist targeting audiences from ages 16-25 years old.

Friday 2 October 2009

Primary Research - Continued

For further primary research I observed and analysed the title sequences of Eastenders and Hollyoaks.


The title sequence of soaps are used to communicated elements of the show to the audience in a way achieved unconsciously. Although us the viewers may not realise this immediately, the opening sequence plays a role of importance.
Our group has already currently researched in a number of different formats. In addition we will now evaluate the opening title sequence of the current popular soap opera "Hollyoaks". I chose to analyse this soap opera as it is one that can be related to our own. We are aiming our soap to be a mixed element of a modern soap likewise to Hollyoaks yet with traditional aspects similar to those of "Eastenders".

The sequence begins with a closed eye opening with the title "Hollyoaks" featured in the centre pupil point this representing the emphasis of Hollyoaks being the main attraction here. The opening of the eye is allowing the viewers to be included in the soap. The eye represents the audiences presence, the soap will be watched by from their eyes from their own point of view. The sequence then introduces the characters of the soap, showing them individually. Each character is shown performing different actions which represents their different personalities. For example one of the characters Zach looks directly at the camera and winks, this shows his cheeky side in a playful way. By introducing the characters separately this is allowing the audience to compare themselves to these characters, relating to their own lives. The background is of a funky design of black and white and was designed by the graphic designer Simon Cox showing a modern more trendy image appealing to the the younger audiences. The theme tune is upbeat and fun linking to what the whole soap is trying to be. The music ends exactly on time as the main enlarged title appears. In the title Hollyoaks male and female intrasexual and intersexual signs are included as well as half the title being pink and half blue reflecting that it appeals to both genders which is then zoomed in on and the episode begins. Again this the emphasis that it is a unisex soap. The opening title sequence was revamped in 2007 in order to appeal to the target audience and also caused by characters leaving and joining the soap. The latest revamp was in June 2009 - and the characters are shown in full before and after the advert segment. This will help our group to relate back on what our soap trailer will need to include and represent to our target audience.

Here is the link of the Hollyoaks opening title sequence:

As well as analysing the title sequence of Hollyoaks, I have also analysed a more traditional based soap opera "Eastenders" which will also relate to our own. We aim our new soap to be targeted towards the younger modern generation although contain traditional aspects of soaps such as "Eastenders". The sequence begins from what seems like a birds eye view. The shot is slowly spinning. The constant spinning could represent a number of factors, one being the intertwined "mind spinning" storylines the soap consists of. The shot then becomes clear as it zooms further in where now rooftops of houses and famous London attractions can be seen this reflects the location of where Eastenders is set. Although the most obvious attraction that can be noticed is the River Thames - which has currently been edited to a brighter blue making it even more observant. This puts emphasis on the strong, ongoing conventions of the opera - gossip, cliffhangers, community based, family, relationships. Through the ups and downs the family, friends and community stick together.

The title sequence has recently been updated after many years. The opening appeals much more to the 21st century - the River Thames appears to be three-dimensional as well as moving clouds also added. In time the show will both loose and re-gain new audiences therefore the first minute viewed which is the title sequence needs to attract them.

Throughout this title sequence the music is playing continuously - it is a consistently loud drum beat which has been used from the very beginning of the production of the soap making it recognisable as the Eastenders theme tune. The title EASTENDERS then appears on top on the green/grey background in large white font making it clearly seen to the viewers.

Here is the link of the Eastenders new opening title sequence:

Primary research

In order to help us with our own new TV soap we will need to be taking part in primary research. We will be looking at current soaps. This will give us ideas and an insight into what is being recently viewed by audiences. Firstly we will be looking at different trailers and title sequences. As well as producing a trailer for our new soap we will also be producing materials in other formats to advertise our new TV soap such as posters and either magazine articles or a website - this will be decided further into the course duration.

The magazines covers we looked at were from the weekly "TV mag". Almost every week it will feature the main characters of Eastenders relating to that weeks storyline, the one above being Roxy and Ricky's Secret love affair. However other major soaps such as Coronation Street and Emmerdale also frequently appear on the front page. This magazine is dedicated to the insights, storylines and gossip of these soaps. We also collected the insides of the magazines which allow the viewers an exclusive update of what has been going on and what is due to happen in the week commencing. As well as including the TV schedule times. Most of these magazines insides feature "spoilers" which will roughly inform the audience of the current plots. This helps to promote the soap, attracting audiences to make sure they do not miss a thing. Once our trailer has been produced we will be looking back on this magazine research to help us in the design of our own, using these as examples.
Trailers - It is not a regular occurance to see trailers of the soaps we watch shown on TV. Not many british current soap operas construct them. Although not quite trailers as such, similar previews have been produced. Something I have noticed is that most of the time when there is a huge storyline about to be featured in Eastenders genrally taking place at the Christmas period there are trailer-like clips shown.
These are just two of the many I found on youtube:
The first link is actually one of the trailers from 1984 just before Eastenders started, it is quite an odd one. The trailer does not feature any of the characters the soap will contain neither does it consist of any storylines.
The second link is to a more recent time featuring Roxy's escape from Sean. The clip is short snappy yet very effective. It contains fast energetic non-diegetic music getting the audience adrenaline rush going. Shots are constantly being cut from one to the other showing just the relevant striking snippets that would draw the viewers in. The clip ends sharply to a blacked out screen with the BBC logo.
This is a link to one of the very first Hollyoaks trailers - it is amazing to see the old characters and how much it has changed with time.
All of this primary research will be taken into account when producing our products, as well as the advertisements.