Monday 5 October 2009

Storyboard draft & Locations

After our research and many discussions we have finalised our storylines and produced a storyboard. We have started by looking at the two storylines separately and later on we will intertwined them into our final product which will be the trailer.

The first storyline - Celibate girl at a party gets raped and becomes pregnant. We have chosen to use my house for this storyline. For the party scene my room will be used as this location has suitable sustainable lighting. The area is also of good space for enough room for people to fit in. We have discussed mise-en-scene elements such as props and costumes.
- The scene will begin with the girl having a conversation with her boyfriend about her promise to stay celibate. These scenes will include many close up and behind the shoulder shots.
- The scene will then be cut into the party scene. the audiences will see people dancing/ drinking. - Shot of a mystery hand throwing a pill into a glass. Close-ups will be shown of this.
- Then shots of the girl being led up the stairs into a bedroom. These will be of blurred vision. The rapist will be anonymous and shots from behind will only be shown.
- Both the girl and the boy are on the bed. It is made clear of what is happening.
- It is now the morning after the girl wakes up alone and confused.
- A duration of time passes, shots of the girl taking a pregnancy test that is shown to be positive.

The Second storyline - Cultural Clash teen from religious family begins a same sex relationship. We have chosen to shoot this at one of my family members house where real life props can easily be used.
- The establishing shot will be of the teen praying with the family emphasizing her religious background.
- The next scene will be at a dinner table where the mother of the girl is trying to arrange a potential new husband for her daughter. Many closes-ups shots will be used here to show the tense expressions of the teen.
- Then it will cut to a shot of the girl about to kiss another girl.

All these shots are just rough drafts - these may be altered. The final clear typed up storyboard can be viewed via the group blog (

Below shows our rough sketch of how we would like the shots to look (drawn by Anna Constantinou)

Storyline one - Celibate teen

Storyline two - Cultural clash

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