Friday 2 October 2009

Primary Research - Continued

For further primary research I observed and analysed the title sequences of Eastenders and Hollyoaks.


The title sequence of soaps are used to communicated elements of the show to the audience in a way achieved unconsciously. Although us the viewers may not realise this immediately, the opening sequence plays a role of importance.
Our group has already currently researched in a number of different formats. In addition we will now evaluate the opening title sequence of the current popular soap opera "Hollyoaks". I chose to analyse this soap opera as it is one that can be related to our own. We are aiming our soap to be a mixed element of a modern soap likewise to Hollyoaks yet with traditional aspects similar to those of "Eastenders".

The sequence begins with a closed eye opening with the title "Hollyoaks" featured in the centre pupil point this representing the emphasis of Hollyoaks being the main attraction here. The opening of the eye is allowing the viewers to be included in the soap. The eye represents the audiences presence, the soap will be watched by from their eyes from their own point of view. The sequence then introduces the characters of the soap, showing them individually. Each character is shown performing different actions which represents their different personalities. For example one of the characters Zach looks directly at the camera and winks, this shows his cheeky side in a playful way. By introducing the characters separately this is allowing the audience to compare themselves to these characters, relating to their own lives. The background is of a funky design of black and white and was designed by the graphic designer Simon Cox showing a modern more trendy image appealing to the the younger audiences. The theme tune is upbeat and fun linking to what the whole soap is trying to be. The music ends exactly on time as the main enlarged title appears. In the title Hollyoaks male and female intrasexual and intersexual signs are included as well as half the title being pink and half blue reflecting that it appeals to both genders which is then zoomed in on and the episode begins. Again this the emphasis that it is a unisex soap. The opening title sequence was revamped in 2007 in order to appeal to the target audience and also caused by characters leaving and joining the soap. The latest revamp was in June 2009 - and the characters are shown in full before and after the advert segment. This will help our group to relate back on what our soap trailer will need to include and represent to our target audience.

Here is the link of the Hollyoaks opening title sequence:

As well as analysing the title sequence of Hollyoaks, I have also analysed a more traditional based soap opera "Eastenders" which will also relate to our own. We aim our new soap to be targeted towards the younger modern generation although contain traditional aspects of soaps such as "Eastenders". The sequence begins from what seems like a birds eye view. The shot is slowly spinning. The constant spinning could represent a number of factors, one being the intertwined "mind spinning" storylines the soap consists of. The shot then becomes clear as it zooms further in where now rooftops of houses and famous London attractions can be seen this reflects the location of where Eastenders is set. Although the most obvious attraction that can be noticed is the River Thames - which has currently been edited to a brighter blue making it even more observant. This puts emphasis on the strong, ongoing conventions of the opera - gossip, cliffhangers, community based, family, relationships. Through the ups and downs the family, friends and community stick together.

The title sequence has recently been updated after many years. The opening appeals much more to the 21st century - the River Thames appears to be three-dimensional as well as moving clouds also added. In time the show will both loose and re-gain new audiences therefore the first minute viewed which is the title sequence needs to attract them.

Throughout this title sequence the music is playing continuously - it is a consistently loud drum beat which has been used from the very beginning of the production of the soap making it recognisable as the Eastenders theme tune. The title EASTENDERS then appears on top on the green/grey background in large white font making it clearly seen to the viewers.

Here is the link of the Eastenders new opening title sequence:

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