Wednesday 14 October 2009

Soap Name ideas

In todays session our group discussed potential soap name ideas. We all came up with two individual ideas each resulting in a number of different ideas which we have combined together and of which all have meaning to our new TV soap.
Black Pearl: This is one of our strongest name ideas. As a white pearl represents and is associated with innocence using the name "Black Pearl" will imply the contraction between the two symbolising the opposite of this meaning. The name emphasises what our soap will entitle within the storylines.

Orange: Although this may seem an odd name at first glance it does have a meaning behind it. An orange has different segments just the way our soap will include different pieces which in the end all fit together. The way that an orange is peeled in an unraveling method symbolises the unraveled intertwined storylines.

Leopard : Signifying the changing of spots - and the link between the changing of characters. As well as a leopard typically being associated with fast moving reflecting our soap to be action packed.

Laburnum Grove: This would mean our soap would be based in a specific area - a grove. The grove meaning a road that ends- one way. Similar to traditional soaps, the sense of community on this road. All the characters will live here and all be intertwined within each others lives in some way or another.

Liberty: I thought of this idea as I felt that one worded titles work well and are very effective. Liberty is a strong word that would emphases the freedom of our teenage characters.

Kohl: This a brand of cosmetics - specifically black eyeliner. It signifies "darkness" and hidden secrets. Cosmetices are used as a cover up, to enhance their appearance reflecting our characters identity

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