Monday 5 October 2009

Risk Assesment Forms

LOCATION: House 1 – Living Room/Staircase/Bedroom

- Props may cause hazards

- People falling down

- Props may cause hazard

- Cases such as people falling over, hands caught in doors etc will be taken to notice and again people will be warned to be careful and informed that care is needed whilst filming.
- When filming on the staircase both actors/directors/assistants will need to be aware of the risk of tripping and falling down the stairs.
- As we will be using liquids for our party scene in a small confined space with a number of actors in the same room there is the risk that these could be spilt and someone could slip and injury themselves as well as the number of people in one room. We will have to inform people of this to avoid any injuries. If any injuries are to occur First Aid kits will be at hand.

LOCATION: House 2 – Living room/Dining room/ Garden
- Props may cause hazard

- Bad weather

- People passing by whilst filming

- Other hazards

- Heavy props will be used therefore if any fall this could cause a minor injury as a result people will need to be informed of this beforehand. As well as the risk of any liquids or foods being spilt. Again on the day if any of these injuries were to occur First Aid kits will be at hand.

- In case of bad weather occurring our group may have to cease filming as a clear day/evening is needed to film this scene, also filming may be stopped to protect the equipment from damage and keep the costumes up to standard, so filming may have to be rescheduled for another time.

- Passers-by could by accident break something or get in the way during a scene. If this occurs we will have to re shoot this scene.

- Other hazards include people falling over; slipping these will have to be considered. People will be warned to be careful and informed that care is needed whilst filming.

Other pre-production forms such as the Recce forms by Anna Philona, can be viewed via our group blog.

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