Sunday 25 October 2009

Group Cast Production Photo Day

Today we arranged to meet at my house were we took a number of different shots of our cast production team. These pictures will be used for our individual TV magazine front covers as well as for our group website. All the members involved are of who will be acting however we chose to only include the younger actors/actresses as we want our soap to appeal to the modern generation rather like a picture from Eastenders cast crew we based ours similar to Hollyoaks. We chose to take the pictures in my bedroom basing them being shot on one particular decorated wall. This wall theme emphasises the modern audience we aim to appeal to.

The foundation of our shots were taken from ideas of current British and American soaps/TV dramas such as Hollyoaks, Gossip Girl and One tree Hill. We done our best to model similar shots like these. In order to achieve a number of photos that would be able to be used in the end we took roughly two or more shots of the modelled eight photos we had analysed. The photos included Anna Philona, Anna C, Shadei and our two male extras. I, myself took the role of photographer. All of the cast were dressed in smart formal clothing although with hints of their characters roles, for example Anna C will be playing the role of a teen homosexual therefore her outfit had more colour involved then the others. When taking the shots I tried to positioned the characters more or less next to others which will be included in their storylines. Although in some of the shots this was not the case it wasn't a big issue.

Overall we were pretty pleased with the end results of our photos and we plan to edit them slightly on photoshop during the next following week where everyone will be able to choose which photo will be most suitable for their individual TV magazine front cover. Below are a few of the most success photos.

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