Sunday 14 February 2010

Editing trailer/Soap Website complete

Today was a positive day all round in terms of completing unfinished work. Myself and Anna Philona re-visited the learning centre where we had first begun creating our soap website. (Picture on the left shows Anna in action editing the site). Due to the software only available at this centre this was our third time and hopefully our last to come back.

We spent the morning fixing and altering our soap website. We improved fonts into house style and rearranged the page layouts to look more presentable. We also choose to add an extra feature. As we had extra time when filming we chose to shot additional footage that would contain a sneak peek short thirty second clip of what would happen in the soap next week and decided to upload this onto our website too. Therefore we edited this, cut the scenes and added a few quick transitions to include onto our website homepage. Throughout this process we again used the Mac computers and we used a software called iWeb. Overall we were very pleased with the end result of our website and feel that it has true potential.
(Below shows a few print screen of just some of the pages of our website)

Our next task of the day was to finish editing our trailer. We completed this on an easier Windows software programme. We fixed the wrong jump cuts with fades in/outs in order to allow continuity and rearranged a few of the scenes to give it more of a trailer feel rather than a long soap episode. Also we added the soundtrack music of our choice and were able to mute, lower and heightened this in the places we wanted though some of the speech given by the actors were too low to hear what they were saying and this was covered by the music. We also changed the contents of the title pages and where they were placed as the previous ones didn't seem to fit in quite well with the full edited trailer. After all these minor tasks were done and our hard work paid off the trailer was finally 100% completed.

The trailer will be uploaded soon and able to view via the group blog.

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