Monday 22 February 2010

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

Throughout this whole entire production process we have not only produced one main product we have also produced ancillary texts (website, TV guide cover and two posters) all serving different purposes for an overall successful product.

The trailer was our main and our final product to be finished. This was done deliberately as the TV guide cover and posters helped us to intertwine the three all together. This allowed us to produce a trailer which portrayed the ancillary products as a whole development. Similar to our ancillary texts all the characters were dressed in the clothes reflecting their character profiles. They needed to look the same in all ancillary texts to represent themselves. The outcome of our trailer was a success and there are many strengths. When we showed a preview screening of our trailer to our target audience they understood the two different storylines straight away and the youthful characters helped the target audience of 16-25 to compare themselves to those in the soap . The music was used effectively as with the sound of the beat, drama occurred which built up suspense. The last shot was our most successful of Maria holding the pregnancy test there was left to the last few seconds to leave the audience on edge and wanting more. However with strengths there were too some weaknesses if we were able to improve and change a few things I think the length of the trailer would be one of these. The trailer includes sharp quick cuts though in length it is 2minutes which I feel is too long usually trailers last around 50seconds - 1 minute. I also noticed a few errors which I would improve given the time. At the start of the trailer where a fade was placed it seems that due to technical error when played on a DVD the scene cuts although this should no happen. Furthermore there is a shot of Shiffa and her mother "excuse my daughter she is a little shy" I would re-film this shot as the light is slightly over powering. As with our website which is simple though modern for our title pages included in the trailer we used the same house font in order for all the ancillary texts to be recognisable as our soap to the viewers.

Our website was one of our ancillary products. This was new to us though once we had been told the basic on how to create it we began straight away. With the research we had previously taken part in looking at current soap websites we already knew how we wanted our website to look like. We wanted it to reflect the youth of our characters as well as targeting our viewers. Therefore we kept the website quite plain looking using primary colours such as black, white and colour. Though the website style was also modern looking to appeal to the older viewers. We created many pages that would entertain the viewers such as games, e-cards and a sneak peek of the next episode. Overall the website worked in conjunction with the posters and TV magazine to address our target audience.

The final ancillary products I produced were two posters and a TV guide cover magazine in order to advertise our new soap. My TV guide cover used the conventional aspects of current magazines likewise to "Whats on". The colours I used are very bold and bright though they do the job of attracting our target audience. At first i considered producing one similar to that of "Radio Times" however this would not have appealed to our target audience of 16-25 year olds. The photograph used on the front cover matches photographs that are included on our website. I prefer the two posters as they reflect our soap in a modern way representing that although there is youth concerned it is about growing up and what these adolescents have to face. One poster is simpler than the other using the LIBERTY logo in the background and one primary colour. The other I feel will attract more of our target audience including a cast photograph of the characters with a sophisticated look to it. As in all of our products we want to draw the line between a child and an adult with these adolescents being positioned in the center.

Consequently I think that all three products the main and the ancillary texts link together well as a whole product. All three use the same genre given to the soap and portray these successfully. The products all represent the main important factors to our target audience; youth, secrets and independence which these characters will need to face. Our website, TV guide covers and posters work well alongside each other using the same house font modern style and most significantly focus on the two main storylines. They are straight to the point in a way our target audience can understand them all, recognise and be attracted to them too.

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