Friday 19 February 2010

What have you learnt from your audience feedback/How did you attract your target audience?

- 08 secs: the close up of the glass was originally about ten shots from different angles that we then put together to create a blurry, dizzy effect. The pill used is a dissolvable tablet that took 15 minutes to dissolve though the outcome was exactly what we wanted.

- 29 secs: we really liked the shot of the rapists shadow coming into view on the bed across "the victim" before we see him appear as this builds up suspense.

- 32 secs: another creative shot we really liked of Shiffa looking in the mirror, it is an unusual shot which allows the viewers to see all her facial expressions and reactions.

- 59 secs: the close up of Dervish leaning in to kiss Maria was originally how the whole scene was filmed, however we then decided after the close up it should cut to an establishing shot in order to see both Maria and Dervish's reactions to each other.

- 1:22: the scene of Maria and an extra at the party was filmed with them right against the wall, pretending to talk and laugh, no music in the background, using a disco ball nearby in order to create the party effect and atmosphere.

-1.33: we had many issues with the lighting in this room, therefore out of the 10 shots we were only able to use around 3.

- 1.46: the rapist, also played by Dervish, is supposedly an anonymous man though we had to use Dervish because our other extra was unavailable.

- 1.52: the close-up of the hand locking the door is used to both build up tension with the audience and also used as a que to allow them an understanding of what is happening.

- 2.02: Joanna and Shiffa do not really kiss! Its a clever head movement from Shiffa. This shot was taken from many different angles but we decided against over the shoulder and opted for an establishing shot.

- 2.08: this pregnancy test close up took ages to film as Anna had to get the right expression, not too shocked and not overjoyed, eventually we decided on a confused, anxious expression. This is one of the major storylines so we placed this shot at the very end of the trailer with no music to shock the viewers and the emphasis of silence build up the tension even more.

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