Tuesday 2 February 2010

The start of the editing process

As all of the filming process is now finished and as the deadline date edges closer it was time for our production group to move on to the next stage this being the editing process. Due to an advantage of software avaliable we visited the CLC learning centre where we were able to use a range of technical equipment.
It was essential that all group members were present as we all needed to agree on both the shots we were going to use and how they will be arranged.

Firstly we began by importing all of our footage onto one of the macs this proved to have taken longer than we had imagined and we were running short of time already. After realising that it would be a problem and no way of transferring this planned to be edited version back to our school accounts we had to stop the process and continued it back at school. This of course was a huge disappointment as we had hoped to at least have edited half of our footage although it did allows us to re-introduce ourselves with the skills we had learnt last year.

We have now made a plan of which for the editing of all the scenes to be finished by the end of the week. Additionally this weekend will be spent finding trailer music to match with our scenes where after Monday this will be added to the edited version.

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