Saturday 20 February 2010

Who would be the audience for your media product?



Above shows two photographs, one is of the cast of our new soap LIBERTY the other is the target audience. Immediately you can spot the similiarites between the two groups. Both are of similar age and will be going through alike teenage dramas. Therefore the cast being easily comparable to the target audience will enable an instant bond between them. These relations attract the viewers into watching our soap as they will be able to reflect and possibly escape from their own current dilemmas. On the other hand the soap may help them to deal with their troubles.

Our target audience (above) are of ages from 17 to 20 years of age, friends are most important at this age boosting their confidence ready for their adult lives. They live in the surburbs and are used to a busy life style with many social events occuring. Like any and all teenagers their main interests are surrounded by music, films and television. When tired from a hard working studying day they enjoy nothing better than collapsing in front of the TV screen to entail a whole evening of soap dramas/comdeys/action. These include; Hollyoaks, One Tree Hill, Gossip Girl, Heros, Lost and Desparate housewives. Most of these revolve around gossip and the teens are keen to watch more to find out what will happen next.

Our soap would appeal to this specific target audience due to the many similarites between the two.

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