Thursday 11 February 2010

Final Soundtrack Research

Today myself and fellow group member Shadei Rabeie focused on looking for our final soundtrack music. Had previously researched into trailer music we knew the type of genre we were looking for. We wanted something that would be quick and edgy in order to match with our fast paced trailer.

We based our search around the website London grid for learning to look for copyright free music that we would be able to easily attain. This site allowed us to choose from many, including a variety of different genres, moods and atmospheres. Eventually we narrowed our search down to five possible tracks and discussed these with the rest of our group members resulting in one final agreement, see below:
Revenge - this track was excellent for quick pace with the strong use of different instruments though we felt that it was maybe too fast and seemed like it would fit a rock theme rather than an action and drama which we aspired for.
Beat addict - again this was an excellent choice of track with lots of fast sudden beats however its down fall was that it only lasted 1minute 40 seconds. As we have not yet edited our trailer fully we will need to chose a track that will last at least 2minutes long in order to allow extra time between cuts.
Yerevan - this track was a different type to all the others we had chosen. It was very calm and mellow though it fitted perfectly with one of our main storylines based on a religious family. Though we came to the agreement that it would not be suitable for the whole of our trailer leaving the viewers a little confused as to the genre of the soap.
Chewing a brick - This was our hardest decision as we favoured both this track and the motorbike song. The track was fast and edgy everything we wanted it to include though eventually we had to choose between the two and the motorbike song was the one we initially preferred.
The motorbike song - this was our final decision and we are happy with this track. It has sharp boundarys to it yet heightens in dramatic stages. We feel that it will settle in well with our trailer and what we aim to reflect. We needed a track that was modern in order to attract to our target audience. Having continuously viewing our trailer in the process we feel this track will fit it well.

Our last step that we took was downloading the track and then importing it through itunes which was all processed successfully.

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