Friday 19 February 2010

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

This was our first time we were using Mac computers, it provided a lot more programmes than an ordinary computer and we were able to edit and create our website on them.

The video camera was fairly easy to use along with the help of the tripod to keep it steady as we incorporated the skills that we had learnt from last year.

1. itunes was the programme that we used to import our music.

2. imovie was the programme we used on the Mac computer in order to import and edit our footage. It was the first time we had used this though we were able to use the many different transitions; fades and also edit our sounds and music.

The technologies we used throughout the process;
1. itunes We used this to import a number of potential soundtrack music we planned to use for the final end product.

2. iMovie This is what we used to edit our footage on.

3.Photoshop This was used for both my TV magazine front cover and my soap poster.

4. Google A lot of research was done using this search engine.

5. Audio network/London grid for learning This website was where we bought our copyright free music from. It included many different genres/themes/moods of music so there was a wide variety for our group to choose from.

6. Blogger Where all our work is planned and produced. As well as this is how our group connects together and where the discussions are made.

7. iWeb Again a programme on the Mac which we used to create our website.

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