Tuesday 3 November 2009

Script Draft Copy

Before we take part in filming our scenes we will need to write up a script that will provide us with a guide line when filming. This script is my own draft copy of the script.

The two young teen characters Maria and Dervish are sitting comfortably on the bed talking. At first it seems like a normal occurrence. They lean in to kiss each other, Dervish places his hands onto Maria's face the other on her thigh. However Maria is hesitant and prompts him to stop.

Dervish; What is it babe....(pause) whats wrong? (confused expression)

Maria; Just STOP... STOP it ok...

Dervish; (worried expression)

Maria; Ive been thinking long and hard (bites lip) and I need you to respect this... (pauses)
Or this could be the end or us.. (pauses) Ive chosen... (anxious expression)
(pause) I just don't think I'm ready for it yet....

(long awkward pause)
Dervish; I respect you, I'm not with you just for that.
If that's your decision - I'm right here by your side... I'm happy to wait

The couple embrace each other, Maria places her head onto Dervish's shoulder with a relived facial expression and the scene ends here.

The party scene doesn't contain any dialogue therefore we will be improvising out the actions - though we do have a storyboard which we will be referring to.

Shiffa is preparing for her morning prayers, sighs as she places her headscarf on and walks out bumping into her mother.

Shiffa's mother (SM); Shiffa hurry up, its going to begin

Shiffa; I'm coming... CANT u see!

The family prayer scene, Shadei looks bored and sighs as she leaves dramatically.
The family are sat down around the table preparing for the dinner. Shiffa' s potential partner Moji is sitting round the table with his mother.
The atmosphere is tense as Moji and his mother whisper amongst each other.

Shiffa's mother enters along with Shiffa close behind.

SM; Shadei this is Moji, currently studying to become a lawyer - he is very successful (winks)

Shiffa; (looks hesitant)

SM; Come on get to know each other.

Scene ends.

*scene Shiffa and Joanna (Shiffa's secret lover) lean in to kiss each other

These scripts above were just draft copy's, as a group we discussed these and choose the one we thought would work best. The scripts work well to challenge the conventions of current real media soaps. They include dramatic dialogue as well as body language playing a huge part in the continuous flow. Though this copy was rejected and the one we will be using is able to be viewed via the group blog.

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