Sunday 29 November 2009

The Filming Process: Day 1 Gallery

These are a series of photographs from our first filming day, they vary from the characters in action to shots being filmed.

Me filming the scene of *Maria collapsed on the bed, this had to be re-shot a couple of times due to lighting and shadows ruining it. We tried filing from long shot, tracking the rapist walking towards Maria and also zooms close-up to her face.

The couple practising their lines and body language before recording live footage in order to allow them to become comfortable with each other and represent realism.

Fellow group member Shadei filming the shots of the rapist entering the bedroom. She filmed close-ups of the hand turning the key to create suspense.

Shadei creating the party atmosphere using a variety of different props ranging from disco balls to fairy lights.

These photographs show me filming the couple conversation scene, I used a tripod in order to produce a clear steady shot. The filmed the scene in three different ways. Firstly from front ways of the couple showing both their bodies, secondly close-ups from Dervish's point if view and lastly close-ups from Maria's point of view. The reason I done this was due to the fact that when editing we ill have a variety of different shots to choose from.

Here shows Shadei having a second go at filming the rapist scenes.

This photograph shows myself setting up the camera on the tripod to find the right position.

Lastly this photograph shows Maria and Dervish rehearsing their lines just before shooting the scene this was essential in order for the filming to run smoothly and prevent any time being wasted.

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