Tuesday 10 November 2009

Soap Website

As another feature of production, as well as producing a trailer for our new soap we will be making a website. Although all of our group will participate in the production of the website each group member has been given individual roles. I have been given the role of taking charge of all the images that are going to be published onto the site, Anna Philona will be in charge of writing up the information, Anna C will be handling the layout and the design and Shadeie will be in control of the extra features/prizes/music our site will contain. Therefore this week our tasks have been assigned to research our individual elements that we will be contributing towards the production of the website.

Having visited a number of soap websites I noticed that all of them contain many photographs and imagery throughout the pages, this is done to attract the viewer, as if these sites were just full of writing they would not appeal to people. Websites are visited in peoples spare time, mostly for entertainment purposes, other times to find out information therefore they need to attract the consumers.

As well as our cast production photographs we have also taken behind the scenes photos and profile photos. Below are a few extra photos of the characters playing their roles, these will be included on our website.

These pictures are showing one of the main characters Maria in distress in conjunction with her dramatic storyline.

These photos (below) are of the secret homosexual couple Shiffa and Joanna.
The first photograph shows them embracing hands loving. The second shows the two attempting to keep their relationship behind close doors.

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