Tuesday 3 November 2009

Focus Group - Target audience of 16-19

In realtion to our own individual focus groups of 19+ as a whole production group we took part in the 16-19 year old focus group together.

We firstly rounded up a number of 16 - 19 year old students and supplied them with the treatment - including our two main storylines, how our soap will be promoted and advertised through different media convergences, TV schedule details and our cast production photographs. As well as suppling them with a few questions that would provide us with much needed current feedback.

The Storylines - We orally explained the two main storylines our new soap will include, breifly explaining the characters roles and personalities not wanting to give too much away. With this we asked our groups what they felt about these storylines? - Could they relate back to them and if they felt they were realistic enough to attract them as a potential future viewer. To our contentment, they loved both of the storylines. They mentioned how these storylines would definately attract them and even asked what happens to the celibate young teen, does she keep the baby? They felt that in today's society these storylines would be seen as realistic and also very relevant. In terms of our storyline " cultural clash" they were immediately drawn in stating as a new TV soap this storyline would make them want to tune in as it both reflects cultural backgrounds and family life in the juxaposition of the teens strict upbringing.

TV Scheduling - As previously in our pilot focus group our feedback resulted us into changing the times of when our soap would be shown on TV. Therefore this area was of most importance to us - we especially wanted to find out if this target audeince of 16-19 years of age would be happy with these new times. We stated our new soap would be shown on the weeknights at 8pm, on: Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursdays. The immediate reaction of the focus group was, were these times going to clash with current popular soaps such as Eastenders, we explained that this would not be an issue as our times did not clash with these soaps. Having resovled these queries the group agreed that these times and days would be suitable for them, as this is usually the time they use to relax and wine down in front of the TV. Also pointing out that they felt particular in order to attract their age group these days were wise - revealing that esepcially fridays they would not be at home to watch the soap.

Cast production Photographs - Though mainly this focus group task was done to ensure we were on the right track in terms of our filming process we took advantage in also asking the focus group which of the five photographs of the cast they prefered which would be displayed on either TV magazine front covers or/and our soap website. Overall the most amount of people choose this photo ->
The focus group supposed that this would work the most in attracting their age group - therefore we could use this photograph specificallys specifially targeting 16-19 year olds.
Promotion - This is the most important element in distributing our new soap to potential future viewers, without the viewers there would be no soap. This element needs to be carfully endorsed. Our group has come uo with some methods we would be using in order to promote our new soap, - through: specific magazines, trailers (adverts) and internet access - by making our own soap website. The groups verdict was that if these methods were used it would attract them and they also suggessted that posters would also attract them.
Overall all round we had positive feedback our focus group responed that our new soap "Liberty" would appeal to them in all different ways. This is a huge bonus for us knowning that this target audience would be interested in watching our soap and was therefore a successful form of research.

Below is a mini video clip of just two of the many teens from our focus group. The clip only focuses on minor elements though we did ask much more.

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