Tuesday 3 November 2009

Focus group - 19+

Following the first focus group we took part in - ages 16-19 year olds each group member took part in now a second focus group including people from ages 19 years old and above in order to receive as much feedback as possible for our production process. We based the focus groups on these age boundaries because our target audience will be from the ages between 16-25 year olds as well as our secondary target audience. Therefore taking into consideration the needs of people from a variety of different age groups.
Again I asked the same informational questions to the group showing them the: treatment - the two storylines, TV schedules, cast photos and future promotional advertisement methods.
The group were a mixture of six 20-25 year olds. I explained all of the above and asked for their feedback, mostly importantly would this appeal to them?
They felt that the two main storylines worked well mutually in attracting their attention - mentioning that if they saw this being advertised in the TV guide it would draw them in, into actually watching our new soap. They liked the fact that the storylines weren't holey about the young teens and are based also on the cultural and family side too which would overall interest them more.
All the cast photographs were shown to the focus group, unlike the 16-19year olds this age group preferred a number of the shots explaining that they appealed to the more modern soap - as well as coming across as sophisticated.
I also told the focus group the name of our new soap "Liberty", they made clear that this name would draw them in, further expressing that it symbolises what the soap will entail. In terms of TV scheduling times they felt that these times would be most suitable and would not interfere with their daily routine.
The promotion methods especially the TV magazines and the website was the most popular method of advertisement and the group stated that they would use these regularly either if they wanted to find out any information on the soap or just out of leisure purposes.

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