Thursday 19 November 2009

Minutes of group meeting - Soap Website

All Present: EA, AP, SR, AC.
In today's meeting our group will be discussing plans for our website, essentially how it will be designed and its layout and format.

Website design/analysis
As each group member was assigned to different roles last week each has researched into these specific areas, resulting with our group having collected lots of relevant detailed information which will have helped us to provide what we will need when producing our website. Today as a group we drew up a rough draft template of what we aspire our website to look like. From the research we gathered we cut down the list of elements that will be included on our website, leaving all the important relevant information.
As our soap will be a new one to be shown on TV our website has the primary purpose to market our product. We want the website to reflect as much as possible on what our soap is about therefore we will need to be especially trying to attract our target audience of 16-25 year olds. The website will need to communicate that our soap is a mixture of both a traditional community soap as well as featuring modern aspects and appealing to the younger generation. This will be achieved through ways of methods contained on the website such as "sneak peaks" of the next episode, games, character profiles and so on.
Rough draft template of soap website: The homepage of our website will contain the name of our soap "Liberty" in large bold font at the top, so that it jumps out at the viewers. We will have a thin strip of all the hyperlinks to our features that will be contained on our site. This will be a drop down menu which will include features such as: "cast", "extras", "fan forum", "win" and "history of the soap". On the homepage there will be a photograph of the characters in action this will be the story of the week and it will feature a small passage of information of the storyline. On the top right hand corner will consist of a small box which will contain all of the TV scheduling times as well as "Contact us" information. Towards the right side of the homepage there will be a video clip of our trailer, this will be used to draw in potential new viewers. Below this will include a link to "sneak peek" of next weeks episodes, these will include both still images and short video clips of the forthcoming storylines. An additional aspect will be a "webcam" of the characters houses allowing the audience an insight into the set. This is just a rough outline of what our website will be like and improvements and changes will be made.
Next week we will all be meeting together to begin producing our website. Each group member will bring with them their information that they have researched, which they will be contributing to the site. On this day we aim to produce the basis of the site - being able to view what it will look like and with most of the aspects included and finished. Though improvements and changes will be able to be altered at a further date.

Filming Arrangements
We can now confirm that our filming dates of 29th November and 6th December will be going ahead. Each group member has been given a role on these days, whether it be directing, acting or arranging the set everyone will have a job to be doing. We discussed further mise-en-scene elements and how we will be arranging the set to represent realism. We have both the storyboard and script printed out in order for us to know what we are doing during the filming process, this will act as a guide line and improvisations will be made on the day. We may decide to use different shots or even come up with new ones that we think will be effective. Each group member has been given a list of what they will need to be bringing on the day- including props and costumes. We hope that on our first day of filming we produce enough high standard footage that then can be used for editing. This will be the next process we will need to plan.

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