Tuesday 3 November 2009

Soap Website Analysis

As well as producing a trailer and a TV magazine front cover, our group will be producing a website for our new soap. Web pages are successful methods for promoting the soap. They are easy accessible, include vital information - images/videos and have the advantage of being obtained at any time of the day or night.

Therefore before making our website we will be researching and analysing websites from current soaps. As our new soap will be aimed at the more younger modern generation of 16-25 year olds I decided to analysis the website of the soap "Hollyoaks", whereas other group members will be analysing different soap websites in order to achieve a variety of research from different sources.
As soon as I logged onto the website many images and bright colours jump towards me, the page looks as if it is action packed. Down the left hand side are a list of headings including: Home, news, episodes, pictures, music and cast - the list goes on. The home page uses bright colours of which are in association of the Hollyoaks logo, pink and blue - emphasising the engagement of both sexes. At the top on the centre features a photo of two main characters with serious expressions on their faces, with Hollyoaks written just on top. The font is in block, bold capitals of which the logo is always in. Below this picture there is a heading that explains this is in connection to the next episode and there is a link to view a "spoiler" this in itself works to attract the audiences.

Towards the top right hand side there is a clear box that contains all the days and times of when Hollyoaks appears on TV this comes in use to the viewers encouraging them to watch the soap. There are a number of different activities for the audiences to take part in: quiz's on how well they know the characters, chances to win prizes and a gallery of pictures from the current weeks episodes.

(Above is a print screened image of the website)

The website works well in targeting the modern generation, as in the use of bright colours and more visual concepts which would attract mostly teens. There are many pictures accessible to view from behind the scenes, cast photos as well as on every page video clips. The website allows you to watch any episodes you have missed over the last week or two and also "special" videos which are special one-off video clips. I think that the website works well in establishing the soap and obtaining any information the viewers want to find out - appealing to the targeted audience.
These factors will be taken into consideration when our own group will be producing our own website for our soap.

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