Saturday 14 November 2009

Additional Soap Website Research/Analysis

For additional further research I have analysed the two soap websites: Eastenders and Gossip Girl in order to view a sneak insight into how these soaps use the websites to attract both current and potential new viewers.
Gossip Girl - Gossip Girl is a mixture between a TV soap and a drama. It is an American series originally based on the book "Gossip Girl". The soap/drama revolves around gossip, hence the title. It is based on the lives of six main characters who attend a private school in New york City. The mystery blogger gossip girl follows the lives of these six characters and posts gossip about them on the net.

Immediately the first thing that you see on the homepage of the site is a picture of a celebrity, on top featuring a passage of gossip, this is following the same type of theme as the soap - appealing to the audience of gossip girl. The site is very much about appearance, there are many images, colours and words drawing you in. At the top of the homepage are advertisements for shops such as "Macy's" which can be associated with wealth representing the stereotypical rich characters living in New York City in the drama. The soap target audience is a majority of young teenage girls therefore the website then attempts to attract these viewers using different methods. At the top of the homepage featured is a large heading that says "Hey people" where next to it contains an icon of lips, this is showing the flirtatious side of gossip girl catching the eyes of young teenage girls.

The site includes direct links to extra features such as "the cast", "downloads" and "shop" using marketing methods to appeal to the viewers. Photographs of the cast allow you to be introduced to them. The characters are viewed as almost idols for the audiences watching. All of the cast come across as very attractive and young, as well as this being presented in the photos of them which look perfectionised.

The direct link to the Gossip girl website:

Eastenders - Eastenders is very much a traditional community based soap. The sight is very different from the site of "Gossip Girl". As this soap aims to target a variety of audiences from different age groups the website is much more plain in order to attempt to appeal to all viewers. The first thing that is seen again is a photograph though this is of the "Albert Square" street sign establishing the setting and location. Below this a strip of features that are contained on the website, some of these include: Weekly quiz, Gallery, Wallpaper, Webcam and many more entertainment aspects.

The soap website is appealing to all ages; it includes games for the younger audiences as well as quizzes for the older more dedicated viewers. Keeping people involved are vote poles (concerning present storylines) that you are able to take part in, this makes the viewers feel as if their opinions also count. There is also the option of watching previous episodes of the soap, this allows the viewers to keep updated on what is currently happening.

The direct link to the Eastenders website:

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